Will I miss some grievous bug and end up looking like an arse? Should I sprinkle my paragraphs with verbal get-out clauses like 'appears to', 'from what I saw' and 'on the whole'? Am I destined to be remembered as the critic that failed to notice that all the horses in Shogun 2 only have three legs? Much more care thought and effort is needed in building a campaign structure that actually requires thought and diplomatic effort to win.After that business with hydrophobic invasion forces in Empire: Total War, it's impossible to sit down to review a new Creative Assembly creation without anxiety. In all honesty Rome 2 will not be a better game if CA only continues to upgrade the visuals and animations. And the economic management of territiories also needs much more depth. Diplomacy and trade need total (pun) re-building. They could learn a thing or two from Paradox Interactive and at least attempt to add some dimensions of diplomacy and pschological nuance to the machine. CA needs to put much more time and effort into designing a campaign that has more to it than a boring, repetitive, unrealistic mechanical expansion of a realm.

Nothing has changed or improved from the first Shogun in this regard. Shogun 2 is just another case of the same old campaign: conquer 50 territories and win. Diplomacy, trade and political economy are all undeveloped.

However the single player game is finally pretty BAD. The multiplayer is the true core of the game and close to perfect if you can be patient with the standard rough edges of the online community.

The multiplayer is After 50+ solo campaigns and 2k hours multiplayer, all DLC plus maxed out avatars, I can confirm that this is a good game.

After 50+ solo campaigns and 2k hours multiplayer, all DLC plus maxed out avatars, I can confirm that this is a good game.