Such activities comprise of, but are not restricted to, tracking, roading, cleanfill sites, cut and fill operations, quarrying and mining and re-contouring.

Roading and tracking activities Earthworks involved with the construction of any new road or track or the renovation of any existing road or track devoid of general maintenance of legitimately recognized roads and track.Įarthworks - Any activity that exposes, disturbs, places or deposits land and soil. It does not also include those activities to be recognized as vegetation clearance activities. It does not include general maintenance of legitimately recognized structures, roads, tracks, and railway lines.

Soil Disturbance - The disturbance of land surfaces may occur with various ways like blading, blasting, contouring, cutting of batters, excavation, ripping, root raking. Earthworks are defined as the disturbance of land surfaces with blading, contouring, ripping, moving, removing, placing or replacing soil or earth, or with the excavation, or with cutting or filling operations.